Pushback on Pricing, Reason #1

Reason #1: Your branding doesn't match your level of service

If your branding is all over the show, looks cheap, and just plain feels slap-dash, the prospective client is expecting a cheap quote. I’m talking about those free Canva logos that look exactly the same as 4000 other businesses, using 12 different colours whenever the mood strikes, and whatever font takes your fancy that day.

A lack of consistency in your branding gives the prospective client the idea that your business isn’t high-level, and that’s why they’re pushing back when they get the quote. Whether you consider yourself in the creative industry or not, thoughtful and well-designed branding and process documents go a long way in establishing your expertise and backing up your pricing.

How do you solve this?

Invest in strategy-led branding that reflects what you offer and targets the right kind of people. Having branding (logos, consistent colour palette, even so far as your tone of voice online) goes a long way in establishing your niche and position in the market. It does the hard work of getting in front of the right people who will connect it. This means fewer red flags and low-ball landing in your inbox wanting discounts or pick-and-mix services.

If you’re reading this and thinking “Man, how does she know?”, I've got you covered. I specialise in strategy-led design, take a look at my services and get in touch to set up a free discovery call to see how we can work together.


Client Red Flags and What They Say About You, designer edition


Pushback on Pricing, Reason #2